Chris McCandless Forum

Into The Wild Forum

Welcome to the Into The Wild Forum that has been going since 2008.

To create a new topic, click on the category heading and you will then see the option to ‘NEW TOPIC’ to create a topic, or click on a topic to comment.

You will need to register to post comments but this is quick and easy and you will receive an email confirmation of your registration. You do not need to wait for the email, you can login after you have registered. Please NOTE that all posts and topics will be checked before going live.

We have made a section on the website dedicated to those who have registered on this forum. This section will be a picture of the user and their thoughts on the story. If you are interested in participating, please email me at

‘Face your fears and live your dreams G.K.R’

Occasionally have to delete spam posts and users so apologies if you are a genuine user that was deleted. Send PM if so, and we can fix*

click here to join the into the wild forum

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