Chris' Self Portraits

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Chris' Self Portraits

Postby Buddha » Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:00 pm

After dredging through hundreds of blog comments about Chris and his tragic end, there are a few critical pieces of the story that I think many people overlook.

First, the self portraits Chris took in Alaska. What strikes me is the look of joy on his face in every one of those pictures. None more so than his final portrait holding the "I have had a happy life and thank the Lord. Goodbye and may God bless all!" message. His waive, his smile, his eyes are expressive of his happiness and joy. He revelled in life even as he was facing death by starvation. When he took that final picture, he must have known his end was very near. His body was emaciated (under 80lbs). He was too weak to travel far from the bus. He accepted his fate bravely, knowing that he had accomplished what he set out to do, namely, survive alone in the wilderness of Alaska and find fulfillment and peace in his heart.


Second, most people fail to understand the effort involved in walking 30 miles out of the bush. It took Chris 2 days to reach the Teklanika River, only half way to the highway. Lot's of people comment that he should have bushwacked his way downriver to an easier crossing (and he was unaware of the cable crossing's existence). But people need to keep in mind his weakened physical state. He was physically exhausted. The heavy rains had swollen the river and cutting a path through the dense underbush would have been extremely difficult. That he chose to turn back at that point was a tragic mistake, but an understandable one, given the weather, river and his weakened state. Now, he had just enough energy to walk the 15 miles back to the bus, take that final photograph and crawl into the sleeping bag to sleep forever.

Third, up until his attempt to walk out, Chris' Alaskan Adventure had been a complete success. He had survived alone, living off berries, roots and small game (plus one moose) for just shy of 100 days. It may have taken Chris some time to realize that he was starving. Obviously, he knew he was losing weight, but at what point did this become life threatening? His diet was insufficient to supply the calories required to stabilize his caloric expenditure, but for the most part he was eating plants and small game. He wasn't healthy one day and dead of starvation the next. Starvation crept up on him until he realized he needed to get out before it was too late. Unfortunately, he miscalculated the change in the river from when he arrived (he walked over frozen ice) until he needed to leave (a raging torrent). But for that one miscalculation, Chris would have survived the return trip to regale his family and friends with stories of his adventures. Chris' life as a wandering spirit is poignant and tragic, and I can't look at that final picture without tearing up.
Last edited by Buddha on Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mr Verdant Green
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Re: Chris' Self Portraits

Postby Mr Verdant Green » Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:55 pm

Good points, Buddha. Are you referring to the photos in the Into the Wild book, on a website, or other source?

This year, according to their website, the Christopher Johnson McCandless Memorial Foundation (CJMMF) plans to publish a pictorial book of Christopher McCandless’s photographs entitled “Chris’s Journey Through his Eyes.”

More info:

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Re: Chris' Self Portraits

Postby Buddha » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:30 pm

I've only seen the pictures available on the web. Most of these are also listed on this website including the one I refered to. Thank you for the link to Chris's Purpose. I'm glad to see his family are publishing a book of Chris's photographs this year.

Mr Verdant Green
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Re: Chris' Self Portraits

Postby Mr Verdant Green » Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:21 pm

According to Sherry Simpson’s article on visiting the bus, “I Want To Ride In The Bus Chris Died In”, the guestbook at the bus contained the following message from Christopher McCandless’s mother from 1993:

"Sonny boy, it’s time to leave. The helicopter will soon arrive. I wondered briefly if it would be hard to enter your last home. The wonderful pictures you left in your final testament welcomed me in and I’m finding it difficult to leave, instead. I can appreciate joy in your eyes reported by your self-portraits. I too, will come back to this place. Mom."

Link to Simpson’s article:

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Re: Chris' Self Portraits

Postby madmaxx1221 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:22 am

I wonder when the pictorial book will come out. Well whenever it does ill definitely be buying no matter how much it costs its just one of those things you need to have

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Re: Chris

Postby MICHAEL LAMBERT » Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:26 am

I have just finished watching this movie for the second tme in two days.I amazenly came across this Christpher after eating my thanksgiving dinner at my parents house this past November after i caught just the last couple minutes of this movie here i thought what the hell is that guy doing on that bus and then i saw the self portrait and read the caption.A few days later i did an image search of "man dead in a bus" because i had at that point not known the name of the movie.Well needless to say that was the day i ordered the movie on ebay.The one thing i can say is that my life has been totally enriched by the story of this amazing young man and how it has been an honor for me to stumble across this story.I am not here to criticize Chris for i deem that to be selfish.I truly believe that we can all relate to his story.How many of us feel like we do what we do because have to,because to do otherwise what make it seem like we can't function in modern society.The truth is that we have all at one time or another have felt like we would like to be somewhere else but never go, you see Chris just went and did what made him happy (granted he did make some questionable decisions) but at least he went,many of us never will and for that i admire him.As far as his parents go my heart goes out to them but we should all be able to learn from it for that whole situation has been replayed over and over again by other families.I never considered myself to be a religous man but i hope with all my heart that there really is a heaven for i am sure he is there.Now Chris does have (as we all do) his critics but i say this to them how well can you relate to him or possibly understand this man unless you have walked in his shoes i know this sounds generic but to walk in his shoes is and always will be impossible to suggest otherwise would be foolish.Yeah he miscalculated some things but this guy is my hero in many different ways.I completely respect him for what he tried to do and tear up because of the tragady which became his story.Good for you Chris good for you for you weren't bound by anything except for your heart.CRITICS BE DAMNED YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THE COURAGE..

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